
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pretty Piggies

     First an update about Froggie's mouth (Eruption Hematoma) - By this morning the bruising had almost disappeared. The only spot left was towards the under-side of her gums. Her tooth seems closer to breaking through as well so we may be seeing a new tooth soon.

     The other day while we were out shopping I found a set of nail polish intended for children clearanced out for $1. Despite the fact that one of the 5 bottles appeared to have leaked I thought this was a screaming deal. Froggie's nails are still WAY too tiny to use the regular nail polish brush so we needed something smaller. This set was meant for detail so the brushes were super tiny which was perfect. I hadn't gotten a chance to paint her nails though until tonight.

Prepared to paint!

     Once Big Brother had laid down Hubby and I started to watch 42 while I nursed Froggie. She started to doze off so I had hubby grab the nail polish so that I could giver her a tiny pedicure when she wasn't so squirmy. Mission Accomplished! She doesn't seem bothered by the nail polish and it looks pretty good. We have 3 other colors to pick from in the future!

Check out those pretty piggies! 

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