
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Late Summer Heat Wave

     It's hot... again... I get pretty irritable when it's hot and so do the kids. So todays solution was a mid-afternoon water break. After stopping at a local produce stand we filled up the little pool with water and splashed around for a little while.

Our loot from the produce stand!

     At first Big Brother said he didn't want to get in, but after seeing Froggie splash around he asked me to put his swim trunks on. Since Froggie was already in the water and he was wearing gym shorts I just took his shirt off and sent him in.  Froggie sat up on her own and did a great job even though Big Brother kept dumping cups of water on her head.
     After our pool time we prepped our string beans and made dinner. This was followed by our bath time routine and a movie before bed so that no one was moving around too much. Tomorrow is going to be another hot one so we'll see what's on the agenda.

Splashing Froggie

After he decided to get in

Peaceful bathing for Froggie

One of many cups of water over Froggie's head. 

Hi everybody!

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