
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Release the... ducks?

     Today way the rescheduled duck race. Like I said on the 4th the local Kiwanis Club floats TONS of rubber duckies down a creek, each duck has a number and you can purchase a duck for $5 and the chance to win one of a bunch of prizes. The money they raise goes to a bunch of youth programs including two local marching bands. 
     We headed over a little early because there are normally a lot of people there. I'm guessing since it was rescheduled people were busy today since there weren't many people there. Then on top of that some of the ducks got through the net so they had to let them go early so no one was really prepared. Big Brother really liked seeing the ducks float down the creek and once they were all released we walked down the road to see them "cross the finish line". They pull all the ducks out and call numbers until they run out of prizes. None of our ducks crossed the finish line before the prizes ran out but it was fun to watch and Big Brother doesn't really care as long as he gets to see fun stuff. Froggie was pretty interested in the ducks as well and watched the people standing in the creek pretty intently. 

A cute, sleepy Froggie laying on my lap and holding hubby's hand.

Heading down to the creek accompanied by some REAL duckies.

Sleepy Froggie

Escaping duckies!

Hubby and Big Brother watching the ducks.

Walking to the "finish line"

Hubby and Big Brother heading to the finish line.

Collecting ducks

Froggie and I watching the ducks come in.

Happy Froggie while we sat and listened to the rain.

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