
Monday, July 15, 2013

Recovery Day

      Yesterday was a bit slower paced than Saturday was. We didn't have to be awake as early and didn't have as much to do. We slowly got ready for tthe day and headed up to the local arts festival. There were a lot of vendors and tables set up and most importantly there was a kids craft area set up. My kids are all about crafts (Big Brother more than Froggie for now)! Almost as soon as we got there Big Brother (with the assistance of my mom) made a sail boat.
     Then the kids made visors. Big Brother picked dinosaurs and went a little sticker crazy and I put together one for Froggie. The kids also made tiles that we will eventually need to have fired.

making a sailboat. 

watching a pottery demo

Froggie loving her visor

Froggie's visor

     After the arts festival we headed home with a grumpy Big Brother. After lunch and laying him down Froggie and I tried out the pool again. She hasn't really enjoyed it at all despite the heat and I think Big Brother splashing startles her. She did great when it was just she and I. She kicked her feet and splashed her arms. She even let me dump water all over her head! The only time she complained was when she learned forward and got water in her mouth. 
      Yesterday was also a special day for Froggie because she got to have a vegetable! We found these awesome baby food mixes by nuturme that you mix with breast milk. They don't have a ton of options but  they have cereals, single fruits and veggies, and blends. Froggie seemed to be excited to eat but not so sure of the taste.

Our options

Froggie's 1st food - squash

Froggie's first bite.

Thinking she may like it. 

Still ok with the squash. 

Telling us she was done.

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