
Saturday, July 27, 2013


     It's been raining ALL DAY! I'm pretty over rain... 
     One of the things that I was concerned about when Froggie was placed in the harness were milestones. I was really afraid that since her movement was restricted that she would give up on trying to roll, scoot, etc. At her 4 month check up her doctor was amazed that she had stayed pretty much on track and would roll when not in the harness. To me that was a positive sign.
     According to the Center for Disease Control website 6 month olds should be rolling in both directions, begin to sit with without support, supports weight on both legs and may bounce when standing, and rocks back and forth sometimes crawling backwards before moving forward. 
     I'm so excited to say that Froggie will be 6 months old this coming week and she began sitting up by herself for short periods of time! She's not steady enough to sit without some cushion behind her but she does a good job! I'm so proud of her for being determined enough to do things like roll over and sit up that she didn't let her time in the harness hold her back!

She LOVES sitting by herself!

Froggie sitting up


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