
Friday, July 19, 2013

Here Comes the Rain...

     As I'm up in the middle of the night feeding Froggie, for the first time in her life ever really, I can hear the rain roll in. It is an amazing sound and the almost instant drop in temperature is very welcome if you ask me. This heat is crazy and to be honest I'm surprised there haven't been more storms.
     I'm working on catching up on blog entry's since the internet has been spotty again recently. You may be asking yourself how I gotten through breastfeeding for five and a half months of Froggie's life without having to get up to feed her.
     The answer is simple, we co-sleep! From day 2, after a very traumatizing night of being hooked up to leg cuffs and having to send Froggie to the nursery to be cared for, she has slept on me or near me. until we moved from sleeping on  the couch she slept on my chest and fed whenever, now she hogs the space next to me and feeds on demand throughout the night. Since she was born tonight is the first night I can recall being awake longer than the time span of a diaper change and getting settled.
     This up in the night to feed thing is not for me though, we're heading back to bed! Stay cool everyone!

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