
Monday, June 10, 2013

Upcoming Projects

     I got a package in the mail today that I've been obsessively checking the tracking of for the last week. In it was a new book "The Parents' Guide to Hip Dysplasia". It's a new edition that was updated by author Betsy Miller and published this year. My first upcoming project is to read my new book and learn more about Froggie and others with Hip Dysplasia.

     My second project is to develop a logo for Froggie and the fundraising I'd like to do for the International Hip Dysplasia Institute in the future. It's coming along nicely and I'll be sure to share it with you all when it's completed (or at least closer to completed than it is right now). 
     I've signed up for 2 (yes... 2!) 5k's this month. Both are in the month of July and as I mentioned before one is the Armed Forces 5k. The second is for Fragile X awareness. I'll post about it tomorrow, stay tuned.
     That's it for tonight. Froggie hopes you all had a good day! My car has a "boo boo" though so we're getting up EXTRA early to take hubby to work. 

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