
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Feeding Froggie

** Froggie is breastfed so today is mostly about nursing in the harness. She does occasionally take a bottle so I'll talk about that some too.**
***** There are pictures in this entry but everything is covered I promise!*****

     The biggest struggle we have faced so far is feeding. It began on day one of having the harness and only now, a month into wearing it, am I confident we have figured it out.
     Day one was a mess! We couldn't get comfortable. I think Froggie ate just enough to make it to her next feeding and it didn't seem to matter whether she was nursing or taking a bottle. At one point during the day, while a co-worker of mine tried to give her a bottle, I had to undo the leg straps so she could stretch out and eat in peace.
     Day one included a lot of learning all around, I'll tell you all about diapering some time soon, but she and I figured out how feeding worked best for us and stuck with it.
     She seems to do best laying down, either across her Boppy or in bed so that her legs aren't squished together. Unfortunately, this is not always an available option. I am blessed to be able to have her and Big Brother at work with me so I mostly nurse her there in a rather comfy glider but I don't take our Boppy to and from work every day.
     So I typically sit with my right leg crossed over my left (regardless of which side I'm nursing on) and prop her up on my arm with her belly facing me. This usually leaves her top leg hanging in the air. If I were her I'd be horribly uncomfortable but she seems happy with it so that's what we stick with.

     At home with the Boppy I just lay her on her back and she turns her head to eat. She's laid flat with her legs spread out and having her turn her head helps to prevent issues with her neck. I can't remember the name of it right now but babies in harness' can be at a higher risk of Flat Head Syndrome and favoring turning their head to one side over another. Froggie also eats this way at night and we just lay in bed.

     One mom on Facebook said that she just had her child sit in her lap facing her to eat that way. I suppose this would work for an older child who could support themselves better and it's similar to how Froggie eats when she's in a carrier.
     Well that's feeding Froggie in a nutshell.

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