
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another Milestone

     I mentioned a few of the things Froggie is currently doing yesterday. Well today I have another thing to add - Froggie had her first food experience!
     Yes I know the current advice is nothing but breast milk or formula before 6 months but we take a "baby led" kind of approach. Both with Big Brother and Froggie we watched for cues they may be ready for food; imitating chewing, reaching for food/cups, getting upset when others are eating, etc. It helps that both kids also had teeth at about the same time (4-5 months).
     After Froggie "yelled" at one of my co-workers for eating crackers I figured that was a good enough  cue to attempt something additional. She did a great job with it and smiled and giggled about her dinner  the entire time. She didn't "tongue out" the cereal and she ate the little bit that I made for her with no problem at all.
     I know there are varying opinions of when to feed infants, what to feed infants, and whether or not to feed infants cereal period. We had success with giving Big Brother cereal and we've decided to follow the same feeding pattern with Froggie. Check out this happy little girl!

     There was one set back to this experience - Froggie does not fit in a high chair while wearing a harness. Since Froggie is still pretty tiny and fits well in our infant seat we decided to use that as a make shift feeding seat. We would have used the modified Bumbo seat but I left it at work this afternoon when I came home.
     Off to start decorating a wagon for the 4th of July. This is a very intricate process, especially if you're part of my family. There will definitely be a post about it in the next day or 2.

1 comment:

  1. You do what you need to for your kids. Theories change every 5 years and they will change again. I started Kylen on cereal at 3 mos BC that was the standard. He's fine and has no allergies. He's crazy but that'd BC I'm his mom ;-).
